Friday, December 5, 2008

Next Generation - New Testament

Word of Promise Next Generation is a 20 cd audio version of the New Testament of the Bible. There is a bonus dvd with behind the scenes footage. There are over 100 actors on the cd. The actors did an amazing job bringing the scripture to life. The cd contains sound effects that really add to the telling of the scriptures. My son and I plan on utilizing the 40 day listening guide to work our way through the New Testament. I really appreciated that the books and chapters are listed on each cd. This will make it easy for us locate chapters of the bible quickly. My family and I will be using these cd’s in combination with the bible. I think it is wonderful to listen to the cd’s, however I don’t want it to take the place of reading the bible. Instead, we will use it in conjunction with the bible. The dvd was a great bonus to a wonderful cd compilation. The dvd had interviews with the actors in which they talk about their faith in God, and why this project was important to them. My son, who is 7, enjoyed listening to the book of Matthew. It is often hard to motivate children to read the bible. They tend to become overwhelmed trying to understand it. These cd’s make the words in the bible fun for kids to listen to. They are learning the scriptures, and gradually memorizing them. And through memorization, they become part of the child’s life. As a mother, I am excited to see my son becoming excited about God’s word. I plan on purchasing the Word of Promise New Testament for adults. The creators of the cd have certainly found a creative way to bring God into the lives of youth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


As the publisher of The Word of Promise Next Generation (which you so graciously reviewed on your blog), we would love to have permission to use your review in some of our publicity material. If you can just reply to me and let me know you are okay with us using your review, that would be wonderful. My e-mail is

Thanks for being willing to try out our products and let other people know what real people think of them! We appreciate you!
